Life Unboxed OT

I'm Natalie and this is the place for online learning and free online services.

I'm a pediatric occupational therapist, mother, piano teacher, and author. One of my desires is to provide accessible occupational therapy services to out-of-the-box parents and caregivers and out-of-the-box children. If you want to dig a bit deeper into other offerings for parents and their children, check out the Life Unboxed website.

I believe that every person benefits from pediatric occupational therapy services, regardless of their age.
Everyone has a brain that processes information well sometimes or in some environments and poorly in others.
Most importantly, everyone deserves to live easily and comfortably.
I believe in empowering parents and caregivers who have neurotypical and neurodivergent children. 
I believe in doing things a new way.
A way that works.
For me.
For you.
For all of us.

Curious about me?
Click here for a video.

Life Unboxed programs are for parents, caregivers, and their children.
For those who are out-of-the-box.
A bit different from our typical society.
Neurotypical or neurodiverse. With or without diagnoses.

Life Unboxed is where you learn the 'what to do' and 'why.'
The things you can think about for yourself.
The things you can do with your child.
This is the place to access ideas and home programs that make sense.
The space to start connecting to, having fun with, and understanding both yourself and your child on a new level.

Life Unboxed is a new path into the realm of pediatric occupational therapy, living freely, growing up, and parenting.

Interested in learning more?
Come on in.
It's time to unbox.

- Natalie

Available Choices

Home Life Help

Answering every question you might have about your neurodivergent child.

Inside Out Parenting

Are you ready to parent a different way?
Want to know why you act certain ways and why your child bothers you in the ways they do?
Looking to understand your own energy and sensory processing patterns?

This five-week program opens the door to parenting differently, in an out-of-the-box way for an out-of-the-box child. Not parenting advice. A journey.
The big picture.
To look at beliefs, conditioning, desires, neurodivergence, behavior, sensory processing, emotions, and experience.

To be happy in parenting. To feel fulfilled and free. To feel what you want. Understanding ourselves is key. Our beliefs and conditions. Our regulation and dysregulation. Our activators and triggers. Our anxieties and sensitivities. Our energy and behavior. Our skills and compensations.

To parent our out-of-the-box children, we reparent our (out-of-the-box) selves.

Find out how you operate in all situations.
With dysregulation. With hyperactivity.
With anxiety. With neurodivergence. With life.

It's time to fully live out-of-the-box.
For you and your child.
It's time to learn, understand, accept and love.

Come on in.

OT-Based Strategy Session

This is a 30 to 60 minute parent session. It is your time to ask questions, talk to the occupational therapist about your concerns, learn what occupational therapy can do for you and your child, and walk away with a few tangible steps and ideas to do at home. This is your chance to learn as much as you want without the pressure of committing to anything else. Think of this as your "talk to an OT" time...

(Free) Without Anxiety Course

Without Anxiety is a free online immersive program for parents who experience anxiety or have children who do. Learn about what anxiety is and some shifts you can make from a sensory processing and environmental perspective.

(Free) Regulated Parenting Course

Wanting to learn more about your regulation?
Your patterns?
Wondering whether your regulation is complimentary or contrasting to your child's?
Ready to start the process?

This is for you.

My Choices Available Choices
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